BC Expropriation Association - Fall Seminar 2014

September 10, 2014

BC Expropriation Association – Fall Seminar 2014


Every year, the B.C. Expropriation Association organizes an informative, 2-day seminar, aimed at professionals who work in the areas of expropriation, land development, water management, and surface rights.  This year, the seminar will be held at the Terminal City Club in Vancouver on October 24 and 25.

The brochure for the conference can be found here.

Hirji Law Corporation is a sponsor of this year’s seminar, and along with Jeff Frame, I will be giving a talk at the seminar on the recent decision in Atco Lumber v. Regional District of Kootenay Boundary.  The talk will cover the issue of instruments relating to land that contain positive covenants.  Was the decision in Atco right?  What are the implications for landowners where the expropriating authority seeks to expropriate and interest in land and impose a positive covenant on the landowner?

By Salim Hirji Civil Litigation Share:

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