Surface Rights and the Business of Law (2 minute read)

October 30, 2014

Surface Rights and the Business of Law (2 minute read)

kamloops small

I will be in Kamloops on November 13 , 2014 to give not one, but two talks at the Thompson Rivers University Faculty of Law.  The first will be part of a first-year Property Law lecture on surface rights and mineral tenures , and the second will be a more general discussion about the “Business of Law.”  TRU has built a great law school and I am grateful to be invited to speak to the students and faculty about the kinds of cases that I handle, and the way that I have set up my new law office.

By Salim Hirji Court Decisions General Share:

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I will be blogging about dispute resolution, negotiation, recent court decisions, and the impact that disputes can have on your business.

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