• 16 Jan 2015

    Appealing your Property Assessment Notice


    Every year, BC Assessment prepares an “Assessment Roll” as of December 31, and mails out assessment notices early in the calendar year.  If you own property in BC, chances are you’ve already received your Property Assessment Notice for 2015.  Chances are also pretty good that your property’s assessed is higher this year than it was last year.

  • 15 Dec 2014

    Happy Holidays

    Happy Holidays from Hirji Law Corporation

    To all those I have worked with this year – Best wishes for a joyous holiday season, and all the best in 2015!

    By Salim Hirji General
  • 26 Nov 2014

    Judicial Review and “Land Under Cultivation” (1 minute read)

    New Nadina Judicial Review Kamloops

    In June, I found myself in Court in Kamloops, arguing in response to a Judicial Review Petition involving a 2013 order of the Surface Rights Board.  Last week, the B.C. Supreme Court decided in favour of my client, New Nadina Explorations Limited.  

  • 30 Oct 2014

    Surface Rights and the Business of Law (2 minute read)

    kamloops small

    I will be in Kamloops on November 13 , 2014 to give not one, but two talks at the Thompson Rivers University Faculty of Law.  The first will be part of a first-year Property Law lecture on surface rights and mineral tenures , and the second will be a more general discussion about the “Business of Law.”  TRU has built a great law school and I am grateful to be invited to speak to the students and faculty about the kinds of cases that I handle, and the way that I have set up my new law office.

    By Salim Hirji Court Decisions General
  • 30 Oct 2014

    Positive Covenants (20 minute read)


    As I mentioned a few weeks ago, Jeff Frame and I gave a talk at the BC Expropriation Association’s annual conference, on the (hot?) topic of positive covenants.  The paper discusses the (well established) legal principles that apply to restrictive covenants, then considers whether positive obligations can be “expropriated” from a landowner by an expropriating authority.

    You can download the paper by clicking here.

  • 21 Oct 2014

    Small businesses and the changing nature of project work (2 minute read)


    An article by the Canadian Press (reprinted in yesterday’s Globe and Mail) suggests that while small business activity is lagging the economy as a whole, that may change over the next 5 years – mainly due to the lack of sensitivity that small businesses have to currency fluctuations.  The article references a recent report from CIBC World Markets, which you can find by clicking here.

    By Salim Hirji Small Business
  • 10 Sep 2014

    BC Expropriation Association – Fall Seminar 2014


    Every year, the B.C. Expropriation Association organizes an informative, 2-day seminar, aimed at professionals who work in the areas of expropriation, land development, water management, and surface rights.  This year, the seminar will be held at the Terminal City Club in Vancouver on October 24 and 25.

    By Salim Hirji Civil Litigation
  • 20 Aug 2014

    The CBA Futures Report (2 minute read)


    On August 14, 2014, the Canadian Bar Assocation’s “Legal Futures Initiative” released their report, entitled “Futures: Transforming the Delivery of Legal Services in Canada.” The full report can be found here, and the executive summary is here.

  • 13 Aug 2014

    I am Moving!

    nelson square-2

    As of September 1, my office will move to Nelson Square (at the corner of Nelson and Howe), across the street from the Vancouver Law Courts.  The full address will be:

    Suite 405 505

    808 Nelson Street

    Vancouver, B.C. V6Z 2H2

    My phone number, fax number, and email address will remain the same.

    By Salim Hirji General
  • 23 Jun 2014

    The Shareholders’ Agreement (15 minute read)

    the shareholders agreement

    For the last year or so, you’ve been thinking about leaving your job.  You enjoy what you do, and you work at a great place, but everywhere you go, you see and hear about people who have created their own businesses.  You have some great ideas and some great business skills – and a couple of good friends who are encouraging you to team up with them and “disrupt” the establishment.  You’ve now come to the conclusion that the three of you have what it takes to bring your idea to market and succeed.


Welcome to the Hirji Law Corporation Blog – commentary and information about business disputes and the litigation process.

I will be blogging about dispute resolution, negotiation, recent court decisions, and the impact that disputes can have on your business.

This website provides information only, and is not intended to provide or give legal advice, nor is it an offer or invitation for a lawyer-client relationship. You should not rely on the information provided here without first obtaining legal advice from a lawyer in your jurisdiction who understands your situation and represents your interests.